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The O'Hara and Kennedy Family Home Page seeking information about the John O'Hara family and the Andrew Black Kennedy family. John O'Hara was married March 10, 1877 in Watertown, Wisconsin to Ellen McLaughlin, daughter of George and Ann McLaughlin. They settled in or near Evanston.

‘Dawn O'Hara, The Girl Who Laughed’ New York : Frederick A. Stokes Co., [1911] was written by Edna Ferber from Wisconsin, based upon her journalistic experience in Milwaukee.

O'Hara Hall This two-story building at Marquette University, Milwaukee,Wisconsin, houses the Offices of the President, the Executive Vice President, Academic Affairs, Administrative Affairs, General Counsel, Governmental Relations, and the Office of University Mission and Identity. Built in 1920, the building was formerly the Winkler family residence. O'Hara Hall was remodeled into an administrative building in 1938 and is named for the former chairman of Marquette's Board of Governors Charles O'Hara (d. 1950).