O'Hara, Delmar T.
(*1916), Lawyer, company executive. II 450, 311
This is my father. WC
Bunting is the
company he founded. I am curious what "II 450, 311" means.
Biograhical details about my father: he was born November 10th 1916 and passed away on December 7th 1978 at
the tender age of 62. He had five children born between 1947 and 1958:
Delmar Terrence O'Hara (12/7/47),
Timothy Mark O'Hara (11/30/49),
Kathleen Ann O'Hara Hursh (10/18/51),
Becky Jane O'Hara Gendreau (9/10/56) and me,
Patrick Thomas O'Hara (11/10/58). I don't know if it means anything,
but I think it's fascinating that he shares a birthday with his
youngest son and passed away on the birthday of his eldest son.