(Received January 23, 2010)


O'Haras from NY: looking for our ancestors and living relatives

    My mother and I were looking for our ancestors and living relatives. She is Ruth O'Hara who was born to John Edward O'Hara (1912-1986) and Clare Catherine Stevenson O'Hara (DOD 1980). My grandfather John Edward was born in NYC to Edward O'Hara ( who was pre-deceased by his first wife Kathleen and then married Margaret O'Hara nee Casey (Margaret was born in Ireland we think and her mother brought her to the states and left her at a church when she was young to help them clean. She would never talk much about it. John Edward O'Hara had brothers James, Edward, George, William and sister Mary (Minnie) and Rose.

    We are looking for current cousins and history . Thank you,

    Clare Mulqueen

Email: claremmulqueen@verizon.net

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