(Received February 24, 2006)


Joseph / Jo(e) O'Hara stationed in Somerset, UK, 1944 — follow up

original message

    Does anyone know of a Jo O'Hara, possibly from Ohio, stationed at St Audries Bay, Somerset, England during World War 2 in 1944?

    I believe he was attached to the 187th Field Artillery Battalion but he did not go over to France on D - day June 6th 1944 where so many lost their lives. He remained in Somerset in July and August of that year, in what was known as "the residue" so there is a very good chance he survived the War, and returned to the US.

    I have a photograph of him so anyone with any information about his name, or this era of WW2 in Somerset England please contact me.

Thank you.


    Peter English

Email: psenglish@aol.com

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