Bishop Gerald P. O'Hara was the ninth bishop of the diocese of Savannah, Philadelphia, serving from 1935 to 1959.
John Francis O'Hara (1888-1960) He was Professor of religion, 1917-1934, vice-president, 1933-1934, and president, 1934-1940, University of Notre Dame; bishop serving as military delegate during World War II, 1939-1945; Bishop of Buffalo, 1945-1951; Archbishop of Philadelphia, 1951-1960; Cardinal in 1958.
O'Hara, John F. CSC Notre Dame Archives, Photographs.
His Eminence John Cardinal O'Hara, C.S.C. (1888-1960) succeeded on November 28, 1951 as Archbishop of Philadelphia.
William G. O’Hara, D.D. was the first bishop of Scranton, and founder in 1888 of Saint Thomas College, now the Jesuit University of Scranton, Pennsylvania.
Rev. Father Eamonn O'Hara is a regular visitor from his parish in England to his home in Cloongoonagh, Co. Sligo. Fr. Eamonn who was a great footballer in his day and played for his parish and county still enjoys a game of golf, on the local courses in Enniscrone and Tubbercurry. From ‘The Western People Bulletin’ Board, August 22, 2002.
Sensei Pat Enkyo O'Hara is a Soto Zen Priest and Teacher in the White Plum Lineage and resident teacher at the Village Zendo in Manhattan and a Founding Teacher of the Zen Peacemaker Order.
The Village Zendo is a community of people who come together to practice in the Zen tradition. Rev. Pat Enkyo O'Hara, Sensei, is the resident teacher.
Ann O'Hara Graff is an advocate of women's ordination. Read her article: "Assessment of 'Ordinatio Sacerdotalis'".
O'Hara Hall is named in honor of Frank J. O'Hara, who served the University of Scranton for over half a century.
Archbishop Edwin Vincent O'Hara Archbishop O'Hara's parents emigrated from Ireland during the potato famine and moved to Minnesota, settling near Lanesboro. Edwin O'Hara attended St. Paul's Seminary School in Minnesota before moving to Oregon City. He became the Bishop of Great Falls, Montana and later the Archbishop of Kansas City, Missouri.
O'Hara, Edwin V. (1881-1956) is Author of The Church and the Country Community, New York, 1927. Ayer Company Publishers, ISBN: 040510846X.
Former Anglican Priest Daniel O'Hara Gay and Lesbian Humanist Contributor Daniel O'Hara (scroll down page) is a past Chairperson of the Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association and a past President of the National Secular Society. He has a degree in Theology and was formerly an Anglican priest after training for the ministry at Cuddesdon College, Oxford, England.
Father Philibert J. O'Hara, MS (1915-1996) died March 17 at St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center, Hartford, Conn., USA. Father O'Hara was born in Torrington, Conn., May 1, 1915, son of the late Peter and Alice Dube O'Hara. He had celebrated 50 years as a LaSalette in May, 1991 and had retired and moved to the LaSalette Hartford residence in late 1993 (From: Georgia Bulletin, March 21, 1996).